

Collection of custom templates and components made with Next.JS, shadcn/ui and TailwindCSS.


Hey there, welcome to NexTemplate – my personal indie project! This collection brings together custom templates and components crafted with Next.JS, shadcn/ui, and TailwindCSS. It's a space where I share pieces of code that might make your web development journey a bit smoother.


  1. Diverse Collection: NexTemplate offers a bunch of reusable templates and components that I've put together. They're not perfect, but they've been useful for me, and I hope you find them helpful too.

  2. Search Functionality: Need something specific? Use the search feature to quickly find the components you're looking for.

  3. Live Demos: See the components in action with live demos. The demos include code snippets in TypeScript, CSS, and Tailwind for your convenience.

  4. Code Organization: I've tried to organize the components into different files, following some good practices for clarity. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done.

  5. Easy Copy-Paste Integration: Feel free to copy and paste the code snippets directly into your project. It's a quick and straightforward way to integrate these components.

  6. Fully Open Sourced: NexTemplate is fully open source. Dive into the code, make changes, and use it as you see fit. Just remember, it's not perfect, and I'm always open to improvements.

Getting Started

To get started with NexTemplate, visit the NexTemplate. The project isn't flawless, but it's a work in progress.


Visit github repo NexTemplate to contribute.

This is a personal project, and it's far from perfect. If you have suggestions, find issues, or just want to share your thoughts, I'd love to hear from you. Contributions are more than welcome!

Remember, perfection is overrated, and I appreciate any help in making NexTemplate better. Thanks for checking it out!

Developer Contact

AddressRajshahi, Bangladesh

Social Media

Social MediaProfile URL